Classroom Postcard Exchange!

Monday, June 25, 2018

**Link for the 2019-2020 school year sign up:

If you're looking for List One: Click here!

Hi everyone! I'd like to talk a little bit about this classroom postcard exchange! I am super excited to spearhead this project and to get lots of teachers from across the states involved. This is a great way to teach geography and is particularly perfect for 5th grade. 

So how does it work? 

I will collect sign-ups and then create a spreadsheet with contact information for all of the classrooms. YOUR class will be responsible for sending one postcard to EACH of the classes on the list during the school year. 

How do I write the postcards?

I suggest asking each student to bring in 1-2 stamped postcards, either homemade or store-bought. 
During a writing block, brainstorm together on things to include on the postcard, such as:
  • Our city and grade
  • What we're studying
  • Tourist attractions nearby
  • What we love about our state

Then, either in small groups or individually (depending on your class), have the students write a short paragraph to go on their postcard. Or, you might choose to type them up! I suggest proofreading these before allowing them to copy onto their postcards. 
I choose to hire "scribes" who handwrite our messages on several postcards and are paid with class cash! 

Finally, have the students address their postcard (OR have pre-printed labels to avoid mistakes!) and send them off! Once you've sent your postcards, you will mark yourself off on the spreadsheet as "DONE."

Want to join in?

Please fill out the following form: 



  1. Hi. Do you only exchange with 5th grade classes? this is so cute and I would love to do this as a club next year but would be for 1st to 4th grades. Thanks.

  2. I would like to do this but Mississippi is taken on both lists. Please let me know how I can by emailing me at


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